RSA Conference 2022: A Transformative Time

Posted on by RSAC Editorial Team

Transform was the theme selected nearly halfway through last year for RSA Conference 2022, and that particular theme has resonated in so many ways and in so many aspects of our world today. We even had to stay in our cocoons a bit longer than usual before transforming and unveiling a dynamic and action-packed week for all our cybersecurity family to jump in.

As our favorite people—you all!—descend upon San Francisco this week, let’s continue to remember that we are all transforming and evolving week by week, day by day, and even hour by hour. Much of the world is on edge and on uneven footing, and most of us are out there doing the best we can. Let’s not forget this in the daily bustle that is cybersecurity. The good news is we all get to transform together this week.

What’s buzzing currently? There will be chatter and dialogue around the continuing global supply chain issues—including the influx of cyberattacks—that have further escalated inflation impacting billions across the world. Another casualty of the pandemic—online fraud skyrocketing 233%—will be a burning topic of discussion at this year’s Conference.

What else should you expect? The usual suspects—Cloud Security, Hackers & Threats, Security Strategy & Architecture, Risk Management & Governance to go along with some new faces in Zero Trust and CloudSecOps (a new addition to the cloud security track), just to name a few. Here’s a bigger breakdown by the numbers.

New opportunities for 2022 include dropping by the Equality Lounge or poking your head into the RSAC Bookstore, where you can explore titles selected by the Cybersecurity Canon.

And of course, there will be annual must-see attendee favorites such as the Early Stage Expo, Innovation Sandbox Contest, a plethora of Networking & Interactive opportunities, and RSAC College Day, all returning to fill in the week before the Hugh Thompson Show closes us out.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Not sure where to start? Be sure to check out our Know Before You Go segment and our Health & Safety Hub, which may help answer several questions you might have about RSA Conference 2022 and any changes or protocols on tap for this year’s event.

To wrap up, we encourage everyone to be present, to engage, and to go home after this week with a renewed sense of purpose. Don’t forget to poke your head up and take in all that San Francisco has to offer in late spring while you’re at it! Your roles in our industry are so important and gaining more value and significance in the world we live in each and every day. We can’t wait to see you all transform and evolve as the cybersecurity leaders of today and in the future.

RSAC Editorial Team

Editorial, RSAC

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