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by RSAC Editorial Team
When dabbling in Quantomania and the Marvel universe, this film dabbles in post civil war and post Thanos galactic battle where Ant-Man, portrayed by Paul Rudd, has settled into a quieter life until his teenage daughter creates a device with the capability of entering the Quantum Realm. Pulled into the Quantum Realm once the device is inadvertently activated, Ant-Man, his girlfriend, her parents and his daughter are thrown into the middle of a chaotic rebellion and power struggle to try and rule the Multiverse. Ant-Man and his cohort are forced to face familiar foes from their past while trying to salvage lives and get back to reality intact using technology and science to power their way through one challenge after another.
You may be thinking…didn’t AI steal the show at RSA Conference 2023? It certainly grabbed headlines. But that doesn’t mean there wasn’t a ton of other valuable content spread throughout this year’s event. One of those topics centered around quantum. The Hugh Thompson Show: Quantum Edition brought the topic to a crescendo closing out the week with real life experts in Shohini Ghose, Professor of Physics and Computer Science at Wilfrid Laurier University and independent research Paul Kocher coupled with Hollywood star Christopher Lloyd sharing his experience as the venerable Doc Brown in the Back to the Future trilogy from the 80’s and 90’s that brought a certain nostalgia to a large swath of the RSAC audience who grew up fascinated by the trilogy and pondering if quantum technology would one day become…reality.
The timing of when and how we will see quantum become more mainstream was certainly up for debate and featured a variety of insights throughout the week. From a panel discussing migration to post quantum schemes to more technical oriented content in quantum cryptanalysis to quantum computing progression and how it impacts the cybersecurity landscape including organizational readiness, we had many quantum experts on hand at RSAC 2023 providing a myriad of takeaways and learnings for the greater cyber industry as a whole.
Whether it’s Hollywood fiction from the 80’s and 90’s with Doc Brown heading to the future in a quantum powered flux capacitor DeLorean or it’s tracking ageless Paul Rudd through his Quantum Realm adventures as Ant-Man in the Marvel Universe, the topic of quantum is here to stay. As we heard from real life experts at RSA Conference 2023, the topic now turns to when it will impact our daily lives and in what ways. For that answer, you will have to stay tuned for more quantum related content to come, but in the meantime – check out Quantomania or re-watch the Back to the Future series for nostalgia’s sake this summer and ponder the possibilities that lie ahead.
RSAC Editorial Team
Editorial, RSA Conference
RSAC Insights
quantum computing cryptography
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