Q&A Series with RSAC APJ Ambassador Tracy Celaya

Posted on by RSAC Editorial Team

In Part 3 of this four-part series, meet RSAC APJ Ambassador Tracy Celaya.

Tracy Celaya

Tracy is the President and Principal Consultant at Start with Go. She returns to RSA Conference after attending RSAC USA 2018 as a first-time speaker. We asked Tracy what she’s looking forward to when she arrives at RSAC APJ and got the inside scoop on her session with Ira Winkler. 

You recently joined us for RSAC USA 2018. How do you expect RSAC APJ will be different for you?

Yes, I had an incredible experience in San Francisco and am just as excited to attend RSAC APJ! I anticipate an expanded global audience, new topics, and more opportunities to network with the global infosec community. I look forward to hearing new ideas, perspectives, challenges, and solid discussions with security peers from around the world.

What regional or global topics are you eager to discuss with peers?

Security strategy, awareness, data privacy and access to the global security talent pool are at the top of my list. I also look forward to meeting and speaking with the many women in security who attend RSAC APJ. 

Is there a session that you’re looking forward to attending?

It’s a challenge to put my schedule together because of the depth of topics available, so I am excited to attend as many sessions as possible, especially the keynotes.

What is the topic of your session? 

I’m happy to co-present with the one-and-only Ira Winkler. Our session is called “Incorporating Security Practices into Business Processes” and we have an expert roundtable with more information on the topic. We’ll talk the importance of securing organizations by building security into procedures that users can follow to minimize risk exposure. Wine, grandmother’s house, and our favorite television shows may come up in context.

How are you preparing for your session? 

Solid practice, ongoing discussions about relevant day-to-day security observations and researching case studies of “user error” identified incidents. We try to create a balance of solid concepts with strategies attendees can immediately apply while hopefully being engaged and a bit entertained during the session.

What skills/info will those who attend your session walk away with?

A review or revision of business processes can feel overwhelming. I believe participants will walk away with a new perspective on how to consider security inside of process, and a strategy for implementing security practices.

At RSAC USA 2018, you surprised session attendees with your singing talent. Will there be an encore at RSAC APJ?

Word gets around fast, doesn’t it? That was a surprise musical moment courtesy of my co-presenter. Let’s not forget, I’m on stage with Ira Winkler, so you never know what is going to happen!

If you missed a previous Q&A with one of our RSAC APJ Ambassadors, you can click here to read Magda’s or here to read Matt’s. See you soon in Singapore!


RSAC Editorial Team

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