Countdown to RSAC 2020: Q&A with Diana Kelley

Posted on by RSAC Editorial Team

And rounding out our RSAC Ambassador interviews ahead of RSAC 2020 is Diana Kelley, RSAC Program Committee member and Cybersecurity Field CTO at Microsoft:


How many times have you attended RSAC?

I've been to so many that I'm not sure what the exact total is! But the first RSAC I attended was in 1998. And I've been to most (but not all!) of the US Conferences since then. And I keynoted RSAC APJ for the years 2017, 2018 and 2019.


What is the topic of your session?

It's a technical "explainer" about the basics of ML and AI. Debunking myths and confusing claims to shine sunlight on how the tech really works and what it can reasonably do to help businesses and society transform.


How are you preparing for your session?

Working with my co-author on the slide content and presentation. Reading through hype and myths to help determine what confusion there may be in the market. Speaking with end-users about their experiences with ML and AI to understand what they want to achieve with the technology to improve their overall cybersecurity posture.


What skills/info will those who attend your session walk away with?

A solid baseline understanding of the reality of the technology and what it can accomplish. And five excellent questions to ask vendors before making a purchase.


What is the #1 reason you attend RSAC?

Networking and learning about new tech and research from peers in the industry.


What’s your favorite networking event to attend the week of RSAC?

Some of the best networking is done ad hoc. For example, running into friends and colleagues in front of Moscone. Also really enjoy participating on ITSPmagazine and BrightTALK panels, because they're always packed with wonderful, smart people!


Outside of sessions and the expo, which program is a must-attend for you?

The RSAC Innovation Sandbox Contest!


You are one of the Program Committee members responsible for the Applied Crypto & Blockchain Track—What is the top trend you are seeing in the track?

Less hype around blockchain and an increased focused on the applied side of crypto. Especially when it comes to some of the hygiene aspects like key management.

RSAC Editorial Team

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